The preparation programme for the National Team Squad has two parts, focussing on fitness and improvement of skills:

We are fortunate to have Erwin Grasinger, a qualified fitness coach and one of the most experienced NT players, to run our fitness programme for the next two months. All players will be required to participate in the fitness sessions to be held in the Prater, 1020 Wien, from 17.30 to 19.30 every Wednesday beginning 2nd April, 2014. Meeting place is Ecke Prater Hauptallee/ Stadion as in previous years. Each player will be given individual fitness goals to achieve before the final squad is selected.

Improvement of T20 specific skills:

These sessions will be held at Seebarn CG every Friday from 6 pm until 9 pm beginning 11th April, 2014. All players will be required to attend these sessions. The sessions will include exercises to develop skills which are particular to T20 cricket such as boundary hitting, bowlers developing plans specific to their unique skills and match situations, high catches, team-building exercises, etc. We are pleased to be able to use the services of an assistent coach, Oscar Wanigasekera, to concentrate on bowling skills as well as the allround skills of Marcel Biersteker to support Andrew in his role as head coach for these sessions.

There will also be a preparation tournament weekend (to be confirmed) in May/June as well as a preparation T20 match in Essex on 22nd June after our arrival in England. Details to be confirmed. Please inform your players accordingly. If you have any questions about the tournament, the preparation programme, or anything else regarding the National Team

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Phone Number*
Interested in Coach Education*
Do you have Experiences in Coaching cricket at any level*