Here is the training plan for the remaining dates before the ICC Europe Division 2 tournament to be held in Essex from 23-26 June 2014.
Date Time Activity
25.04.2014 5pm batting/bowling/fielding T20 specialist skills training session
at Seebarn CG with Andrew/Marcel/Oscar
02.05.2014 5pm batting/bowling/fielding T20 specialist skills training session
at Seebarn CG with Andrew/Marcel/Oscar
09.05.2014 5pm batting/bowling/fielding T20 specialist skills training session
at Seebarn CG with Andrew/Marcel/Oscar
15.05.2014 Selection Committee Meeting
16.05.2014 5pm T20 match preparation at Seebarn CG
with Andrew/Marcel/Oscar
23.05.2014 5pm T20 match preparation at Seebarn CG
with Andrew/Marcel/Oscar
30.05.2014 5pm Austrian NT vs Opposition TBC T20 preparation match
08.06.2014 Austrian NT tour to Budapest for international T20 tournament
13.06.2014 5pm T20 match preparation at Seebarn CG
with Andrew/Marcel/Oscar
20.06.2014 5pm T20 match preparation at Seebarn CG
with Andrew/Marcel/Oscar
27.06.2014 Departure for Essex, GB
ICC Div. 2 T20 tournament from 23.06.14 to 26.06.14
06.07.2014 3:30pm Austria vs Czech Republic T20 international
friendly match at Seebarn CG